A recent article in “Counseling Today,” a publication of the American Counseling Association, highlights how volunteers with the Pro Bono Counseling Project (PBCP) are able to maintain their oath to the ACA Code of Ethics that encourages counselors to “contribute to society by devoting a portion of their professional activity to services for which there is little or no financial return,” through service to the organization.

PBCP’s volunteers are licensed mental health professionals who donate thousands of hours of counseling each year.  These volunteer clinicians are the lifeblood of the organization and the driving force behind our efforts.  By generously donating their time, PBCP is able to help Marylanders with limited resources receive quality mental health care, while volunteers are able to give back to their community.

CLICK HERE to read the article entitled, “Pro Bono Counseling: How to Make it Work.”

Since its founding in 1991, the Pro Bono Counseling Project (PBCP), a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, has helped over 30,000 individuals and families throughout Maryland connect with volunteer counselors and obtain the mental health care they could not otherwise afford. Presently, PBCP has over 800 volunteer clinicians all over the state of Maryland who give over 12,000 hours of their time each year.

If you’d like to support PBCP, please click here to make an online, tax-deductible gift.