Congratulations to Pro Bono Counseling Clinical Manager Ana Carrera, who is a recipient of the Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus’ 2022 Community Service Award. This award is presented to an individual or organization providing meaningful services to the Latino and immigrant communities in the state of Maryland.

Ana was nominated for this award because she exemplifies caring, compassion, and dedication to providing the growing Latino and immigrant communities in Maryland with access to free mental health care. Ana can often be found providing trauma-informed services to clients who otherwise could not access care and uses her language skills to provide direct services to Spanish speakers. Ana goes above and beyond to ensure that clients receive the attention they deserve when describing their challenging experiences with mental health care. She is extremely helpful in securing needed support including free counseling, access to telehealth, language access services, transportation, medication, and health needs for the community members. She takes time to understand the unique and diverse needs of the Latino and immigrant communities and provides services in a culturally responsive manner. Ana is especially skilled at connecting with clients of various backgrounds and utilizes a growing understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in her daily work. She truly understands the significance of allowing clients a space where they can disclose experiences with racism, trauma, and how they have been affected by systems that sustain inequality. Ana has helped over 3,000 Marylanders each year get connected to quality free mental health care.

Ana will be honored on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at the Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus’ 2022 Hispanic History Month Award Ceremony in Annapolis.

About Pro Bono Counseling

Pro Bono Counseling (PBC) is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization that links Marylanders experiencing difficulty accessing mental health care with volunteer licensed counselors and other resources. Since its founding in 1991, PBC has helped over 30,000 individuals and families throughout Maryland connect with volunteer counselors and obtain the mental health care they could not otherwise afford. Presently, Pro Bono Counseling has over 850 volunteer clinicians all over the state of Maryland who give over 10,000 hours of their time each year.

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